
Ramadhan, the month of celebration

Assalamualaykum, Few days coming to Ramadhan now, alhamdulillah, looking forward to a very productive month. A month of fuelling the heart for it to keep going for the next 11 months until the following Ramadhan. A month dedicated to Him especially with plentiful of worship amplified, to gain only Allah’s Pleasures. Currently, blessed with very… Continue reading Ramadhan, the month of celebration



As I drove in the night rain, my 5 year old daughter was puffing because of the rain. I looked at her and smiled, “Rain is rahmah, habibty.” She looked at me curiously, “Rahmah? What’s that Ummi?” I took a deep breath, and started my anecdote to my little me. Rahmah, is when the rains… Continue reading Kabad


A Piece of Anecdote from the person alive I admire most.

I have not written an email like this since………..My DC adventures………   I just felt compelled to write this anecdote………   A man who has been pivotal in the development of many youth in Dublin, and especially, myself…….all those 1 month marathon Quran Camps, all those early hour Quran classes before taking the bus with the brothers… Continue reading A Piece of Anecdote from the person alive I admire most.



Assalamualaykum. Could not use FB because I’ve too much followers but yes, I just lost my favourite laptop in the entire wide world. Don’t exactly know how I feel but I just can say Alhamdulillah. May Allah Replace me with a better one. Ps so much for a post after 20 trillion years. I shall… Continue reading Lost



May Allah Reward all the moms who are sick and taking care of their wee ones who are sick as well. Like. Seriously. How. Did. Those. With more than 1 child can cope??? Rabbi Yassir wala tu ‘assir.